Due date calculator for twins
Due date calculator for twins

The reality is very few women actually give birth on their due date, no matter how accurate the due date calculator they’ve used is. Still, it’s important to remember, no matter what type of tool you use, a due date is only ever just an estimate. In other words, though Naegele’s rule is still the most widely used for calculating pregnancy due dates, the Mittendorf-Williams Rule and our advanced due date calculator will provide the most accurate answer to the burning question of, “ how many weeks pregnant am I?”

  • If you don’t have this information handy, use our more basic due date calculator, which follows “Naegele’s rule” and predicts childbirth to occur 280 days after the first day of your last menstrual period.
  • If you know how long your luteal phase is, you can use our advanced due date calculator above, which is based on the Mittendorf-Williams rule, to get a more accurate due date.
  • ( source) Advanced Due Date Calculator vs. Though few women give birth on their actual due date, a prospective study comparing the Mittendorf-Williams Rule to Naegele’s rule found the Mittendorf-Williams Rule to be twice as accurate in predicting the length of gestation. By identifying these women, we may be able to lower the infant mortality rate by intensifying a woman’s prenatal care, and medically manage patients differently based on this new information. Until now, there has been no successful way to determine numerically the risk for preterm delivery.
  • The second study done in 1993 suggests that there are several factors, including number of previous births, age, and race that influence the length of pregnancy.
  • For Caucasian women who were not first-time moms, their date of delivery averaged 283 days past LMP (three days after Naegele’s rule predicted).
  • This study done in 1990 that showed pregnancy lasted an average of 288 days past a woman’s last menstrual period (LMP) for Caucasian first-time moms.
  • The Mittendorf-Williams rule is based on two studies: Named for Robert Mittendorf, assistant professor and director of health studies in obstetrics and gynecology, and Michelle Williams, an epidemiologist at the University of Washington, the Mittendorf-Williams Rule uses 16 significant factors-maternal age, pre-pregnancy weight, race, college education, alcohol and coffee use, hypertension, and other medical conditions-that provide a more accurate way of dating pregnancy and identifying whether a woman is at risk for preterm delivery.

    due date calculator for twins

    I guess I just wondered how realistic I’m being with my hopes based on your twin mum experiences! With my singleton I worked right up until I gave birth at 39 weeks.This advanced due date calculator utilizes the Mittendorf-Williams rule, which factors in more info about you and your pregnancy to provide more accurate results.

    due date calculator for twins

    Of course I know there’s every chance of spontaneous labour before the planned date and I’ll happily deal wi that if/when that occurs. My occupational health team have insisted that from 28 weeks I work solely from home, so I won’t have any commute and will have all my home comforts! My job is quite senior, and I’m already struggling to fit everything in that I need to do before I go! However, my midwife has advised that most twin mums don’t manage to work past 30 weeks 😫 I was hoping to finish work as close to this date as possible. Appreciate I’m really early in the scheme of things and there’s plenty of time for that all to change!īut, I wondering how many were able to work up until their planned delivery date? My due date is the 6th November, but my Consultant will have us in week starting the 16th October when I’m 37 weeks for a planned C section. I’ve had a uncomplicated pregnancy so far - although I would say I’m on the bigger side! (I’m quite petite normally). I’m 20 weeks pregnant with my twins (di/di).

    Due date calculator for twins